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  author =   {G. Muller and L. Vercouter},
  title =    {Using Social Commitments to Control the Agents' Freedom of Speech},
  booktitle =    {Post-Proceedings of the Workshop on "{A}gent {C}ommunications, Languages and Conversation Policies" at {A}utonomous {A}gents and {M}ulti-{A}gent {S}ystems ({AAMAS}'05)},
  OPTcrossref =  {},
  OPTkey =   {},
  pages =    {109--123},
  year =     {2005},
  editor =   {F. Dignum {\textit{et al.}}},
  volume =   {3859},
  OPTnumber =    {},
  series =   {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
  address =      {Utrecht, The Netherlands},
  month =    {July},
  OPTorganization = {},
  publisher =    {Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany},
  OPTnote =      {},
  OPTannote =    {},
  url =          {},
  language =     {english},
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