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  author =   {G. Muller and L. Vercouter},
  title =    {Liar Detection Within Agent Communication},
  booktitle =    {Proceedings of the second international workshop on Logic and Communication in Multi-Agent Systems (LCMAS'04)},
  OPTcrossref =  {},
  OPTkey =   {},
  pages =    {4--16},
  year =     {2004},
  editor =   {W. van der Hoek and A. Lomuscio and E. de Vink and M. Wooldridge},
  OPTvolume =    {},
  OPTnumber =    {},
  OPTseries =    {},
  address =      {Nancy, France},
  month =    {16-20 August},
  OPTorganization = {},
  OPTpublisher = {},
  OPTnote =      {},
  OPTannote =    {},
  url =          {}
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