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%   author =       {G. Muller and L. Vercouter and O. Boissier},
%   title =        {Evaluating the Reliability of Agent Communications Using a Trust Model},
%   booktitle =    {Proceedings of Intelligent Agent Technology ({IAT}'05)},
%   OPTcrossref =  {},
%   OPTkey =       {},
%   OPTpages =     {},
%   year =     {2005},
%   OPTeditor =    {},
%   OPTvolume =    {},
%   OPTnumber =    {},
%   OPTseries =    {},
%   OPTaddress =   {},
%   OPTmonth =     {},
%   OPTorganization = {},
%   OPTpublisher = {},
%   note =     {accepted as number Ir344, cf., but not published},
%   OPTannote =    {},
%   language =     {english}
% }
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